Saturday, April 18, 2009

How Will I Know If I Already Met The Person I Should Marry?

The choice of a marriage partner should not be based on "I get a warm,
wonderful feeling whenever we're together and I want to have that warm
wonderful feeling forever, so let's go get married". Feelings have no
logic on their own. They need to be acknowledged, of course, but they need
considerable assistance from your brain.
Marriage means choosing the person you will spend the rest of your life
with. This, as you may have guessed, is a very long time to spend with one
person. You should be ready to share your life with this person. This
person will live with you, eat meals with you, sleep with you, and go on
vacation with you. More important yet, this person will share your
children. You need to choose wisely. The decision should not be made based
on feelings alone. You need to ask yourself some tough questions. The
decisions have to be made on solid considerations. Remember to look at the
"big picture".
Will this person be a good partner? Is she mature enough to put her own
selfish desires aside to look out for what is best for the family? Is he
prepared to be a good provider? What is his track record? Is he
responsible enough to get a good job and keep it? How does this person feel
about love, commitment, and responsibility?
Do you ask yourself, "This person would be perfect if..."? If you find
yourself doing that, or if that person is doing that to you, a compromise
needs to take place. Do you ask too much from this person? Does this
person ask too much of you? When you are in love, insignificant perceived
"imperfections" shouldn't matter. If you want to change someone into your
"perfect mate" just realize that change doesn't happen overnight, and may
take several years - if it even happens. Ever heard of the saying, "You
should love people for who they are, not what they can potentially
Does your mate love their family? Does their parents approve of you or
vice-versa? This is very important in Filipino culture, but extends to
anyone. These people will be your future "in-laws" that you will spend
holidays with, family reunions, etc. Also, if you feel that this person
was raised well, chances are, they will instill the same values in your
future children.
Will this person be a good parent? Can you stand the thought of your
children turning out exactly like this person? They will, you know.
Children spend a lot of time with their parents and consequently pick up
many or most of their parents' character traits. You had better like your
spouse's traits a lot because you will be seeing them again in your
If something were to happen to you, would you completely trust this
person, alone, with the ask of raising and forming your children? This is
not a pleasant thought, but it is an important consideration. Not everyone
dies at a ripe old age with great grandchildren gathered around the bed.
Sometimes a parent dies and leaves young children in the care of the other
parent. If you feel that you would need to be around to correct or lessen
this person's influence on your children,then you are considering the
wrong person.
Does this person share your faith in God? God does not give us children so
that we can mold them into the coolest, most popular people in school. Our
job is to get them to heaven. To do that, we need to raise them believing
in God. It is tough to do that if only one parent believes. Saying "this
is right and this is wrong, and I want you to ignore Mommy until you are
thirty-five" does not work. Small children ask about eight billion
questions in a single day. The answers to those questions go a long way
toward forming the kind of adults they will become. Who will be answering
those questions for your children?
Does this person you are marrying have sexual self-control? Single people
sometimes have this idea that marriage is just some kind of lifelong sex
festival and that as long as they have each other, they will never be
tempted by other people. Wrong! There are many times in every marriage
when one partner or the other is sexually unavailable do to illness, the
last months of pregnancy, and travel. There are also times when spouses
just get on each others' nerves. At times like this, other people can seem
very appealing. That can be dangerous, because there are plenty of very
attractive people out there who are willing to make them available to
married men and women. Do you want someone who has never said "no" to sex?
If he is not good at saying "no" at eighteen, it won't be different at
forty. Do you want to worry about whether or not your spouse is being
These are very important questions, and if you are not comfortable with
all of the answers, you should definitely not marry this person. Remember,
people are not "security blankets". Get to know yourself and know what you
want - because if you figure it out later, after you are married with kids,
you'll have a whole lot of issues to deal with besides their character,
personality, and physical flaws.
None if this is to say that feelings play no role at all in a marriage
decision. You don't have to say to yourself, "Well, I suppose that you
would make a good spouse and parent, so even though I don't particularly
like you I guess I'll marry you". You need to be happy and excited about
the prospect of spending your life with someone. Your brain however must
acknowledge that this person as a good catch. You'll both will "know" when
you both feel lucky and thank God every day for each other.
Don't listen to your heart alone or your head alone. Wait until your heart
and head agree.

Monday, March 30, 2009

how to charm a woman?

How can you charm a woman? Do they like a daily check-in phone call? Does she secretly wish you'd text her in the middle of the day for no reason but to make her smile? Do they prefer expensive dinners to home-cooked meals? Rock-hard abs? Flowers for no reason?
Identifying women's turn-ons is complicated, because they all react differently. Some women you wish came with owner's manuals so you knew exactly how they were wired. Luckily, I've done most of the legwork for you and am happy to pass this knowledge on to you.
Top 10 ways to charm a woman

1. Be aware. This means cracking open more than the sports section on the daily paper. Be up on current events and learn the difference between feelings, emotions and thoughts. Women are emotional beings and tend to think things through.
“They are attracted to men who are as smart or smarter”
They are attracted to men who are as smart or smarter than them, and your knowledge of worldly matters will demonstrate your intelligence.
2. Demonstrate humor. Women love a man who can make them laugh. Now don't fret here if you're not a stand-up comedian. We all have a certain type of humor. You can be dry, sarcastic, hilariously funny, quick-witted or dark. Being able to poke fun at yourself and just plain old being goofy is a turn-on for women. Keep in mind that all women are not attracted to the same type of humor, so if you don't vibe, just walk away and try someone else.
3. Have passion. A guy who lives his life with gusto is incredibly appealing. When you speak to a woman about your life, your travels, your job, your interests, speak with passion. That passion about who you are will turn her on instantly. She will start to imagine what it will be like when you are involved with her and how passionate you will speak about her.
4. Be considerate. Pay attention to the little things and look for opportunities to make small gestures that show you care. A simple "How was your day?" and being able to listen to her when she wants to discuss something are huge. So many men forget about simple things like holding the door, paying for her valet or just thanking her for a great time last night. Women are all about a guy with manners -- she is not attracted to the dope who acts like a caveman.
5. Be honest.
“Share who you are by telling her something personal”
Share who you are by telling her something personal. Maybe share one of your favorite childhood memories or some personal growth that you have been going through. Something that will show her that you are a trusting and honest person. It also shows that you are a confident but vulnerable man. Women love to see the vulnerable side of you. Note: Don't talk about an ex in a bad way here. If you have to talk about an ex, do so in a positive manner and share what you learned and how you grew from the relationship.
6. Be flexibile. Be open to her plans but surprise her with your flexibility. Take charge and surprise her with a fun night out. Instead of being the typical guy who makes a reservation, think about how you can be the guy who listens to her and plans a great date that she did not expect. If you can pull this off, she will be open to all sorts of advances from you.
7. Be positive. If you are positive about life, it shows in your actions. I always tell men to be extra nice to waiters, bartenders and other service people. Be a courteous driver when she's in the car. When you are in line at the movies, don't complain. Look for the humor and try to have fun with people all around you. Be positive about everything, and she will find you to be very sexy and alluring. No one wants to be with a negative hothead.
8. Be balanced. Women love a successful, ambitious man. They love that you work hard, but if you constantly put work ahead of her she will become turned off. She will start to imagine what life with you will be like with her needs being ignored. If you are out meeting women to date, you need to balance your life between work and play. This will be a major turn-on for her.
9. Have ambition. Men who are ambitious about what they do are a turn-on to women. It doesn't matter if you choose to be a rich stock trader or a painter, as long as you are passionate about who you are and what you do. If you don't love what you do, find something that really turns you on. You can't attract the woman you want with a negative ambition. Women love a man who is the best at what he does.
10. Be attentive. You are out with her for the very first time, and she tells you she loves a certain type of music. On the next date take her to a lounge that plays that type of music. It is all about paying attention to the details and working on your listening skills.

This list of 10 things will work in most cases. Keep in mind there is always the woman who you just can't seem to please. If you happen to cross paths with this type of woman, ask yourself, "Why would I want to be with a woman who is so difficult?"
I tend to avoid the difficult, judgmental women. Knowing women's turn-ons and putting them into practice will help you identify women who may be relationship material. You need to realize that you want to attract and turn on the women that are attracted to you on an equal level

Thursday, March 26, 2009

"a woman's worth"

The Herbrew Talmud says: "Be very carefull if you make a woman cry because GOD counts her tears. Every tear a woman shed is equivalent of man's sacrifices in life. The woman came from a man's rib, not on his feet to be stepped on; not on his head to be superior, but on his side to be equal. Under his arms to be protected and near to his heart to be loved... " Please pass this to all the women you love and to men for them to know the value of every woman...

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

5 quick steps to a new job

Some people blame their qualifications. Some see the general scarcity of jobs as the main problem. To those who have many years of experience, the age appears to be the main barrier. There is no doubt that economy, market demand, qualification, experience, age and luck all play a part in making it easy or difficult for you in the job market. But unfortunately, what most people do not realise is that a set of completely different factors is more responsible for their long, inconclusive job search. To understand these factors, you have to first understand the hiring process.

Getting a job is like surviving a multi-round game of elimination, which begins with spotting job opportunities and ends at interviews. Some people do not use the right job search methods and thereby fail to even spot job opportunities. They get eliminated even before the real game begins. Some do see the job opportunities, but their weak and unacceptable resumes fail to open doors for interviews. Out of those who survive up to the interview stage, many bow out of the race because they fail to project their own value to the employers. Finally, the winner is someone who survives all through and proves to be the best among fellow survivors.

If you have been looking for anew job for quite some time and are in the mode of blaming lack of opportunities, education, experience, luck, age, etc. for your current situation, it is time you shift focus to the way you are playing the game. Specially, pay attention to the following five steps.

Play by the Rules
It was Albert Einstein who said: " You have to learn the rules of the game. And then you have to play better than anyone else." Play by the following rules:
Rule of least effort: At every stage of your job search, ensure that employers spend least effort (and time) while dealing with you.
Rule of Needs and Means: Your success lies in understanding employer's needs and then showing that you have the means ( experience, education, skills) to satisfy those needs.
Rule of seeds: If you want something to happen, plant more seeds-make more attempts and be prepared that many of these attempts will not bring the desired results.
Rule of obsession: When you chase jobs that you are obsessed about, you are bound to succeed . Your obsession is your trump card.
Rule of perceived value: What matters is not what you think about yourself, but how mush value employers see in you.

Conduct Smart Job Search
If you ask 500 different persons how they got their jobs, you might see two interesting insights emerging from the replies. First, there are not just two or three methods of searching for a job. There are at least 10 different ways of finding a job. Second, not all methods are equally effective. For example, seeking help from your colleagues and friends can be one of the most productive ways of getting a job.
The smart job search is about knowing all the different methods of spotting job opportunities and then focusing on the ones that promise quicker results.

Prepare Compelling Resume
Once you spot a job opportunity, it boils down to how compelling is your resume. In the job market, your resume is like a brochure about your capabilities. And employers treat it the same way you treat the brochures you come across in your daily life. If your resume is neat, relevant, simple, solid, sharp, short and without mistakes, it can open doors for interviews and vice versa.

Send Impressive Cover Letters
An impressive cover letter accompanying a well-written resume can make a significant difference to your job prospects.
The purpose of a cover letter is to connect personally with a specific person on the other side and also to show how well positioned you are to meet and even exceed employer's needs. The cover letter is a critical document as it makes the first impression.

Be A Success At Interviews
If everything goes well, you will reach the final stage: The Interview. How you conduct yourself, not just during the interview, but also before and after it, decides your ultimate fate. If you prepare well, avoid well-known pitfalls and follow proven strategies, you will come out a winner.
Scores of highly capable, sincere and hard-working people stay stuck in their job or suffer unemployment just because they lack the skills to survive and play the hiring game. You need not be among them. If you learn the above five steps, you might fine it is after all not that difficult to get a new job. (source:'s career center)

Sunday, March 22, 2009

thanks and gratitude

When I first came in Thailand I met this family who is very kind and accommodating. I lived with them for quite sometime. Through the kindness they have shown to others I found the real meaning of generousity, giving without expecting in return. Many times I tried to immitate them but I always failed simply because I don’t have a pure heart to help others. Im not a bad person but its just that im not a good samaritan. hehehhehe…

…and now I’m moving out and will be living on my own (again!). I would like to express my sincerest thanks and gratitude to the Sitchon family. Thank you for treating me as a part of your family, I remembered when I got an accident the wife cried coz she was worried as I was alone in a foreign place that time. Im also certain this family is one of many who prayed for my fast recovery. Thank you for letting me dwell in your place during those times I needed a shelter. May GOD gives you grace and strength so you can continue helping others.

For the Morales family you may never realize how much you inspire me. The simplicity and togetherness as a family reminded me of my late father. He taught us to live simply. A year from now I will get married and will have my own family. As much as possible I want my family to be intact and live a simple & healthy lifestyle like yours. Please help us pray That GOD may grant our plans. Please include in your prayer this one thing bothering me rightnow that Amor and me don’t have the same dinomination and practicing different doctrines. Thank you so much and the LORD be with your family always.

To Shella whose always been very supportive not just with thoughts and advices but also in financial matters. And of course I won’t be here in Thailand nor experience these life’s pleasures without her help.

… and to everyone in the house; Rudith, Jennifer, Kuya Danny and all who just “come and go”. Thank you for the happy moments we shared together. I will surely miss the things that we do… sesion.. etc. hehehhehe….

A million thanks to all of you. You are all True friends indeed. GOD Bless you all.

Above all I thank GOD for giving me friends like all of you.

With sincerity and love,

ice queen

Friday, March 20, 2009

sad life..

i guess nothing is more surprising then feeling deep in your heart that it’s finally over..i thought i t was just one of those arguments and misunderstandings but i was wrong..i was given up.

dreams shattered..plans unfulfilled..broken hearts,wounded ego,friendships ended..and spirits crushed..

i am still in limbo..

don't know where to go..

don't know what to do..

i really don't know what life has in store for me now.

i have lived my life hoping it would be you..striving so hard to make that person you..but i guess i always fail..i guess it’s not always rainbows and butterflies..

i am bitter now..but i am wishing to feel better soon..when this is over..when the pain ceases..i wish to see you happy..i wish to see you smile..i wish for you the kind of life i haven't given you.i wish you peace..

when the anger melts..when things finally dawned on us..i wish we will both be fine..

but for now..allow me to grieve..for what i am feeling is far beyond compare..the pain is almost unbearable..the pain of losing someone who means the world to me.

you are angry i don't want to talk to shut me out of your don't want to have anything to do with me anymore..i do understand is my fault and i am not putting my blame on anybody except me..and i will always be sorry for that.i guess i ran out of chances this sorry it didnt work out the way we both would have wanted it so hard to be..

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

men get even

A husband and wife are getting all snugly in bed. The passion is heating up as it sometimes does.
But then the wife suddenly stops and says "I don't feel like it, I just want you to hold me." "WHAT!?" says her husband. The wife explains that he must be in tune with her emotional needs as a Woman. He realizes that nothing is going to happen tonight and he might as well deal with it.
The next day the husband takes her shopping at a big department store. He walks around and has her try on three very expensive outfits. She can't decide.He tells his wife to take all three of them. They head to the shoe department and pick up matching shoes worth $200 each.
The pair go to the jewelry department where she finds a set of diamond earrings that her husband agrees to buy for her. The wife is so excited. She thinks her husband has flipped out - but she doesn't care. She goes for the matching tennis bracelet. The husband says "You don't even play tennis, but if you like it then let's get it."
The wife is jumping up and down so excited she cannot even believe what is going on. She says to her husband, "I'm ready to go, let's go to the cashier."
The husband stops and says, "No, honey I don't feel like buying all this stuff now." The wife's face goes blank. "Honey - I just want you to HOLD this stuff for a while."
The look on her face is indescribable and she is about to explode as her husband says, "You must be in tune with my financial needs as a Man."